The Ilan Șor Saga: Russian Citizenship, Political Intrigue, and International Sanctions

Moldova1, 16 May 2024 10:30

The fugitive oligarch Ilan Șor, who was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the "Bank Fraud" case, has been granted Russian citizenship.

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More news from Moldova1

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President of the United States, Joe Biden, declared that Israel has offered a new "comprehensive" agreement within the framework of negotiations for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, reports BILD.
Last 24 hours
Moldovan authorities predict a significant rise in passenger traffic at Chișinău International Airport over the next five years, exceeding the capacity of the current terminal.
31 May 2024
The Council of the European Union finalised, on Friday, May 31, the lists of sanctions against individuals and entities from Iran and North Korea implicated in supplying arms to Russia.
Ion Munteanu will be inaugurated as the general prosecutor on Saturday, June 1st.
The Presidency denounces the decision to include President Maia Sandu among the witnesses in the Chișinău International Airport concession case, labelling it as a manifestation of systemic corruption.
Five Romanian government-funded projects will be implemented at Moldova's State University (USM).
In a rare display of cooperation since the conflict began, Ukraine and Russia conducted another prisoner exchange, transferring 75 prisoners of war from each side.
The Republic of Moldova will receive 14 additional Piranha-type armoured vehicles from Germany, and next year it will also acquire an anti-aircraft defence system.
The German government has authorised Ukraine to conduct military strikes within the territory of the Russian Federation using weaponry of German origin, as reported by Der Spiegel.
Prime Minister Robert Fico has been relocated from the hospital in Banská Bystrica to his residence in Bratislava.
It is unlikely that the head of state will reject Ion Munteanu's candidacy for the position of general prosecutor, as proposed by the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP).
More than 2 days ago
The US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, left Chisinau for Prague, where the Czech Government is hosting the Informal Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. Secretary Blinken held talks with Czech President Petr Pavel and signed a memorandum with Foreign Affairs Minister Jan Lipavski on countering disinformation.
The European Union has hit Russia with multiple rounds of sanctions to inflict damage on Russia's war chest following its all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022, AFP reports.
Access will be limited within the premises of the Chisinau International Airport for another 30 days, informs the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova.
The Republic of Moldova will receive a grant of 5.4 million euros for the development of infrastructure in solid waste management. The Parliament ratified a grant offered to our country by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
UPDATE: Interim General Prosecutor Ion Munteanu got the maximum score of 9.21 points. This was announced by the president of the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) Dumitru Obadă.
Candidates for the head of the General Prosecutor's Office are expected at the Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP) to pass the interview test. The three candidates, Ion Munteanu, Octavian Iachimovschi and Alexandru Cernei are to present the development plan of the General Prosecutor's Office.
The faction of the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) in the Parliament registered the Declaration on the condemnation of the genocidal policy of the Russian Federation directed against Ukraine. This refers to the forced displacement and deportation of Ukrainian children to the temporarily occupied territories and the territory of Russia. The vice-president of the Parliament and the president of the foreign policy and European integration commission, Doina Gherman, said that today this declaration will be adopted in the plenary session of the Legislative.
Decizie surprinzătoare luată de conducerea clubului Bayern Munchen! Noul antrenor al echipei este Vincent Kompany. Belgianul a ajuns la Bayern de la gruparea engleză FC Burnley, cu care a retrogradat în divizia secundă.
Polish security services have arrested a man suspected of trying to obtain photos of military vehicles crossing the border into Ukraine as well as three men accused of committing arson on the orders of Russian intelligence, authorities said on Wednesday, Reuters reports.
29 May 2024
Georgia's president proposes holding a referendum on the so-called law on foreign agents. This is after the Tbilisi Parliament overturned the head of state's veto and definitively adopted the controversial document. Salome Zurabishvili criticized the parliamentarians and proposed collecting signatures for the organization of the plebiscite.
The Hungarian government has signed an agreement with Belarus to assist in the construction of Hungary's second nuclear power plant, according to Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, reports NewsUkraine.rbc.
At least 23 people have died across four states after a series of destructive storms and tornadoes swept through central and southern US over the Memorial Day weekend, with severe weather warnings still continuing for some states into Tuesday, Independent reports.
The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, hold a joint press conference, after a bilateral meeting at the Presidency. The American official is going to announce, in Chisinau, a new package of American assistance for the Republic of Moldova, aimed at achieving energy independence, according to a recent announcement by the US State Department. The press conference can be watched live on Moldova 1 TV.
The Cabinet of Ministers decided, at today's meeting, May 29, to appoint new State Secretaries at the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also, another deputy head of the State Financial Control Inspectorate was appointed.
The latest events in the Republic of Moldova and the importance of this year's election for our country, France and the European Parliament - was discussed by the Parliament Speaker, Igor Grosu, with the Moldovan citizens settled in France.
Prime Minister Dorin Recean urges the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in the country, but also abroad, to participate in the European parliamentary elections in June and vote for the parties that support the expansion of the European Union and the European path of the Republic of Moldova. The Prime Minister declared, at the beginning of the Government meeting on May 29, that Moldovans must get used to participating in the European Parliament.
The members of the Cabinet of Ministers meet today, May 29, starting at 10:00 a.m., in the meeting chaired by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. There are 36 topics on the agenda. Thus, the ministers are to approve the National Development Plan for 2025-2027. Also at today's meeting, the Decision regarding the approval of the natural gas storage obligation will be examined.
For 32 years, the United States of America (USA) financially supported the Republic of Moldova with over 2.5 billion dollars. More than 744 million dollars have arrived in our country since February 2022 - the year in which the Russian Federation militarily invaded the neighboring country, Ukraine, triggering a border war with the Republic of Moldova. The information was confirmed for the Public Broadcaster "Teleradio-Moldova" by the press service of the US Embassy in Chisinau.
The access of people to certain places in Chisinau, from the city center and the arteries that connect to Chisinau International Airport, will be restricted on May 29, between 08:00 and 21:00, in the context of the visit of the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, in the Republic of Moldova. In the perimeter of the streets where the official column will move, protests will also be prohibited, as well as road repair or tree cutting works, informs Chisinau City Hall.
28 May 2024
The Moldovan Labor Inspectorate will be outfitted with video cameras, including drones, to conduct more comprehensive and intelligent investigations of construction sites.
The Parliament of Georgia did not consider the motivated remarks of President Salome Zurabishvili, overriding her veto and ultimately approving the law regarding "foreign agents."
The European Union expresses deep regret over the Georgian Parliament's decision to override the president's veto on the foreign influence law.
The planned merger of the State University of Moldova (USM) and the Technical University of Moldova (UTM) has been temporarily put on hold.
Chisinau is set to secure 92% of its electricity needs from the Cuciurgan Power Plant in June.
Moldovan professors at the State University of Moldova (USM) risk not receiving their May salaries and vacation pay.
The founder of the Legal Resources Center in Moldova (CRJM), Vladislav Gribincea, has re-entered the race for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ).
Citizens of the Republic of Moldova who seek to acquire a residence will have the opportunity to do so starting from July 1st through a new government initiative named "First House Plus," succeeding the "First House" program launched six years ago.
The Ministry of Environment in Moldova has responded to public images showing the Dniester River severely depleted of water near the Ukrainian city of Hotin.
The Biden Administration has urged Israel to take all necessary precautions to protect civilians following a military strike in Rafah that resulted in the deaths of numerous Palestinians.
The 20 October referendum will not lead to modifications to the Constitution if it is not validated due to low voter turnout, declared PAS deputy Olesea Stamate in a broadcast on N4.
27 May 2024
The benefits of European Union membership can be comprehensively examined through the perspective of citizens of the Republic of Moldova, particularly those with dual citizenship who are employed in Europe.
The Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, insisted on Monday that Western countries must allow Ukraine to use the weapons provided to them so that Kyiv can attack Russian territory to defend itself from Moscow's aggression, reports EFE.
Beginning on June 7, 2024, the Public Services Agency (PSA) of Moldova will implement a new system of green licence plates for automobiles with eco-friendly propulsion systems.
Starting in 2027, Moldovan schools will implement a new curriculum that emphasises relevant and engaging subjects, digital textbooks, and career exploration for students.
Germany will offer Ukraine a new aid package worth 60 million euros. The announcement was made by the German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, on May 27.
Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) intends to obtain external financial assistance by mobilising civil society, the partner states of the Republic of Moldova, the diplomatic body accredited in Chișinău, and international donors.
Six vocational schools and two colleges in Moldova are scheduled to be merged into other vocational education institutions as part of a government initiative.
The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, is scheduled to arrive in Chișinău on Wednesday, May 29th.
At least 15 people in the southern United States have died after powerful tornadoes struck the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas overnight Saturday into Sunday, according to media reports citing authorities. AFP, quoted by Agerpres, reported this.
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